Line Pasteurizers

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Line Pasteurizers

KSh 1,000,000.00

Line Pasteurizers


  1. They are easy to use and maintain, with easily changeable fully automatic procedures and few moving parts.
  2. They provide high-quality pasteurization while maintaining precise temperature, flow, and time delay control even during irregular runs.
  3. The fully automatic changeover from water to beverage is intended to provide minimal loss throughout any procedure.
  4. The delivery pressure is completely adjustable.
  5. Prior to usage, hot sterilization is carried out automatically.
  6. In the event of an emergency or power outage, the product is kept and heat sterilised.
  7. After a longer break, products are automatically stopped from accumulating in the tank.
  8. If required, an indirect hot water circuit can be employed to heat the product using steam or electricity.
  9. An exceptionally efficient plate heat exchanger allows for energy recovery of up to 92%.
  10. On request, a different length temperature time delay strip can be installed.
  11. Pasteurization records are printable.
  12. With the exception of the flowplate changeover and the first process selection on the control panel, no operator intervention is required.
  13. The control system includes a display for ease of use.
  14. Positive pressure difference control is included in heat exchange plates.

Line Pasteurizers

Our line pasteurizers are intended for in-line pasteurization of soft drinks such as juices as well as other beverages such as alcohol. They have been designed to allow flow pasteurization of beverages directly into a filler or other suitable equipment.

We also have another type of line pasteurizers that have regeneration selection, which means that warm substances to be pasteurized like milk is utilized to warm up cold susbtance before it enters the pasteurizing section. This ensures that energy costs are kept to a minimum. A digital pen recorder constantly monitors the temperature of the milk in the pasteurizer.
The pasteurizer has automatic control via a PLC, a compact framework, and the option of duosafety plates.

They are made of the highest food grade stainless steel that helps produce products that are of best quality. 

If you are in the food processing industry and need the right pasteurizer that has high production capacity then  you need a line pasteurizer. 

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