Showing 13–24 of 26 results
Milk Dispensers
KSh 80,000.00 -
Milk ATMs
KSh 80,000.00 -
Line Pasteurizers
KSh 1,000,000.00 -
Batch Pasteurizers
KSh 160,000.00 -
Chillers and Cooling Tanks
KSh 250,000.00 -
Saset Bottle Rinser Jet Type
KSh 60,000.00 -
Reverse Osmosis System- For High Fluoride & TDS
KSh 330,000.00 -
Saset Reverse Osmosis System
KSh 250,000.00 -
Pure Water Plants – Tap Water Purification System
KSh 155,000.00 -
Saset Water Vending Machines & Filling Stations
KSh 90,000.00