Salad Cooking Oil ATM
Ever wanted to have a side hustle or just want to start a business but don’t know which one would be ideal to start on a low budget? We have an exciting idea that you may want to consider. One business idea that we recommend you think about is reselling cooking/salad oil in small affordable quantities for even low income earners. For this business the main equipment you need is a salad cooking oil ATM.
Why we think starting a salad cooking oil ATM business is a good idea
- Ready market
Before investing in any business, it’s very important to determine whether there is a market for the product/service you intend to offer. This helps you determine whether it’s worth investing your money, energy and time. In fact determining the availability of the market and analysing it is really helpful.
The good news with a salad cooking oil ATM is that there is ready market for it. However it also greatly depends with where you set it up. If it’s in a high income/wealthy people locality you most likely won’t be getting clients. This is simply because the residents have the capacity to buy brand cooking oil from the supermarket.
For that reason you are well suited to start the business in an estate with low income levels. This is where most clients who can’t afford to buy large quantities of brand cooking oil reside in. They prefer to buy small quantities every often because that’s what their income allows. Since they need to also take care of other obligations they can’t afford to allocate a lot of money to items like cooking oil.
Therefore buying smaller quantities frequently becomes more suitable for them since most of them aren’t monthly salaried employees. And that is where the business opportunity is. Because you can set the ATM to dispense cooking oil as low as 10 bob, clients can buy what they can afford. You end up making a lot of sales though in small quantities but you even make better returns than the person selling in whole quantities of brand cooking oil.
- Needs small capital to start
This type of business is not capital intensive to start because it has a very low cost of starting. With a capital of as low as KSh65,000 you can start this business.
Here’s a quick breakdown assuming you already have a premises:
20ltr Salad ATM from Saset- Ksh 55,000
20ltrs Cooking oil- KSh 2,500
Business permit Ksh 2,000
Miscellaneous Ksh 5,000
Total= Ksh 64,500
- Needs a small space
You don’t need a big working space for the salad cooking oil ATM machine. Actually a space of 2M2 is enough. The single ATM is not bulky and therefore can fit within a small space. You can even hire a space from an existing business.
- Can be added to an existing business
As indicated above, the salad cooking ATM occupies a small space which makes it ideal to add it to an existing business like a normal shop. If you already have a shop you don’t need to lease a different space for it. If you can spare a space of just 2M2 you are good to go.
- Very ideal as a side hustle
Are you already employed or have other businesses you are running and just want an extra source of income? Starting a salad cooking oil ATM business can work for you very well. We make cooking oil dispensers that have a password protected digital PLC unit so you can employ someone else to operate without getting worried they will steal from you.
You can be able to view the sales records for reconciliation to see if the figures match. The PLC unit also helps you adjust prices accordingly and it is also tamper proof because it is password protected. This enables you leave someone else to operate it in your absence and have peace of mind that the business will run well.
Invest in a salad cooking oil ATM from Saset today
If this sounds like a good business you would like to start you need to get the most important item right. Saset is the leading manufacturer of top quality cooking oil ATMs in Kenya. Get in touch with us today if you need one.
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