Water Vending Machine Business

Water Vending Machine Business

Clean drinking water is a necessity to sustain life. Innovative water vending machine business ideas  or Water ATM business as others would put it, have been promoted in recent years here in regionally and even here in Kenya, to make pure and clean drinking water available to people, But how profitable is this business opportunity?

Since waterborne diseases and threats of contaminated water have increased in recent years, we’re always in search of bottled or clean drinking water. Water vending machines have been of great help in this process, especially for hospitals, healthcare units, offices, schools, and colleges.

Water Vending Machine Business, the New Cash Cow in Town

Water Treatment Solutions in KenyaThe Water vending machine business has become a unique concept in this age, as the concern for quality of water has increased, with every passing day, in the recent past. Many Small and Medium enterprises have entered into this business, and an increasingly large number of people are coming out to start business franchises all over the country.

However there are some important points that one must consider before venturing into this Water ATM business space.

It needn’t be stated that this business has become popular in the recent years, owing to low cost of investment. Starting a business of dispensing water seems a bit less profitable, as compared to that of dispensing Salad Oil, Milk, or popular beverages.

The fact, however, is that there has been a tremendous shift in the attitude of the millennial generation, who’re getting older, and in their attempt to stay healthy, they do look for proper water distribution solutions.

Before taking up a franchise of any company in this business, it is essential for you to consider several points. Firstly, the water used in these machines must be of high quality, and it must have passed standard tests for portability.

 As a franchise owner, do check if the company whose water you’re sourcing, has safety certificates. This will certify that it is legal and it has gone through all forms of safety tests. Neither the parts used in the machine must be very old, nor should they be a source of chemical contamination in the water.

It has to be understood that the business also has certain environmental benefits. Every time the vending machine is used, the use of a plastic water bottle is avoided. Based on the amount of water dispensed from the machine, money is charged. In an attempt to start this business of dispensing water, you must ensure that you have sufficient capital and the vending machine manufacturer from whom you’re buying, must have a reputation of being innovative.

But it is the Water ATM Machine that is the most important aspect of this business, ensure that you buy one as per your needs and services. That will be the most important dimension of this business plan.

The  Water Vending machine business holds the reputation of being a fully cash only business system. So ensure that you make maximum profit out of it.

Are you in the market for water vending station equipment? Saset is a market leader in manufacturing and installation of water vending machinery. Get in touch with us today for a quotation or to get more information.

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